Acts 18

Acts 18

Read: Acts 18

Here we again see the importance of knowing what you believe and why.  Verse 4 says that Paul “reasoned” with the Jews and Gentiles every Sabbath to try and “persuade” them.  It doesn’t just say Paul prayed for them and God revealed himself to them… God certainly could have done that, but in this instance God used Paul’s reasoning and persuasion to reach these people.  It then says that when Silas and Timothy arrived, Paul devoted himself to preaching the word. Paul knew the importance of teaching both believers and non-believers about Jesus and showing them how the scriptures foretold of his coming.  He told them everything they needed to know, so if they rejected it at that point, Paul had done his job; if they didn’t believe, they were the ones responsible.

Many “Christians” in our culture have fallen into an easy belief mentality.  Because God’s grace and salvation is a free gift, people just accept it and continue with their lives as if nothing has really changed.  If Jesus hasn’t changed your life, you better make sure you have really met him… I’m not saying you have to memorize the whole Bible or go to seminary or anything like that, but there should be a drive to learn and grow in your relationship with God.  We are all called to prepare ourselves so that we are knowledgeable about what we believe. We are called to witness these things to the people that are around us and be lights in a world of darkness.

The chapter ends with a perfect example.  Apollos was eloquent and knowledgeable, but he was missing some facts.  Priscilla and Aquila heard him speaking and were able to talk to him and guide him into a more accurate understanding of God and his ways.  If we don’t know God’s word, how can we guide others? How can we recognize false teachers? How can we stand firm in our own faith when the enemy attacks?  To put it simply, we can’t… Our relationship with God is the most important thing, but in order to have a relationship with someone, it requires taking time to get to know them.  Make time for God daily, grow in your knowledge of him and that will impact the way you obey, worship, and live out your relationship with him and interact with the world around you.