Aren’t Children Supposed To Be A Blessing?

Aren’t Children Supposed To Be A Blessing?

This past Sunday, 13 abused and malnourished children aging between 2-29 were found in a California residence; some of them were chained to their beds and in disgusting conditions.  These were the children of David and Louise Turpin who were charged with 9 counts of torture and 10 counts of child endangerment after their 17 year old daughter escaped and called 911.  These kids were rarely allowed to leave their house, and neighbors did not see the children come out to play.  The neighbors knew something was odd, but never could have imagined how horrific the situation really was.  For more information, see this news article.

Psalm 123:3 says Children are a gift from the Lordthey are a reward from him.”  So why do so many people treat children like they are a burden?  I think the reason is because we live in a self-centered society with self-centered people.  Today people want to do what they want to do.  If it doesn’t benefit me, then why do it?  I mean… I don’t naturally want to change diapers or give my hard earned money to support a child who will take it for granted and be unthankful.  Yet this is what my parents and many others have done… when you ask them about it, they say they would do it all over again!  Clearly there are blessings that children bring that make up for the inconveniences or we would have all died out long ago.  

It is unfortunate that so many today see having children as a burden.  The majority of abortion cases are because pregnancy is an “inconvenient” consequence of sex.  If a child comes into the picture, they will lose the freedom they have to do what they want.  Obviously the Turpins did not avoid having children… they had 13!  But I must wonder… why on earth would these people have 13 children and treat them this way?  Truly, I am baffled… at the heart of it there must have been some selfish motive.  I’m not entirely sure what that may have been, but what is clear is that whether they saw the children as a burden or not, they certainly treated them as if they were.

I believe that seeing these sorts of things happening in our society should be a reminder that the world isn’t as it should be.  Something has gone wrong; the fact that people can do such horrific things is evidence.  The reality is that though this sort of thing doesn’t happen a lot in America, there are places in the world where children are undernourished, some are labor or sex slaves, and some are even fitted with bombs and weaponry to help fight for evil causes.  All of these things are the result of self-centered people seeking their own benefit at the cost of a child’s well-being.  The truth is, the world is messed up… but I think there is a reason, and you can read more about my thoughts on that in my previous post entitled: “Why Does The World Seem So Messed Up?”