Glory To God Or To Self?

Glory To God Or To Self?

Last Sunday approximately 103.4 million people watched the Super Bowl and were surprised by an underdog upset. Some people watched because they love football, some were fans of one of the two teams, and others just like the commercials or Justin Timberlake. Whatever the case, these football players had a huge platform; all eyes were on them.

When all eyes are on me, it is easy to think that I’m something special. I have performed music and played sports in front of people, but never 103.4 million. I have spoken in front of church gatherings and taught in a variety of venues, but I have never had the platform that these football players had. There is a part of me that would like that sort of influence and another part of me that is fearful of what it might do to my ego.  I know if I wasn’t careful, it would go to my head… It would be easy to think that I am better than others who have not had the same kind of success.

That is what the Eagles coach and his players could have done, but instead they said “All Glory to God!”  See this video for their comments:

I don’t think they were necessarily saying that God is more of an Eagles fan than a Patriots fan… They are just glorifying God for the opportunity and ability to be where they are. They are humbly admitting that they didn’t get to be Super Bowl champions because of their own skill and ability, but because of God’s grace and provision.

I hope that if I ever have that sort of platform, I will have that kind of attitude.  My encouragement for you today is to give God glory for all he has blessed you with.  Your job, your family, your money, and all of your successes in life are gifts from him.  Be careful that your successes don’t make you prideful or lead you to believe that you have been successful solely because of your own abilities.  Psalm 103:14 says, “For he knows what we are made of, remembering that we are dust.”  We all come from dust and we will all return to dust; thus we are all equal regardless of our successes.  Even the Philadelphia Eagles 2018 Super Bowl champions will be forgotten.  Live your life to the fullest for God’s glory because he deserves it.  Only his glory will last forever and it is only through knowing and honoring him that we can leave a lasting impact on this world.