Why Does Life Seem To Go By So Fast?

Why Does Life Seem To Go By So Fast?

Yesterday I entered a new decade of life… I am now in my 30s.  That’s a little weird… I don’t really feel like I have been around 30 years.  When I think about the past 10, it is kind of crazy that I graduated from college 7 years ago, left Philadelphia 5 years ago, and graduated seminary 7 months ago.  Time flies… I always used to hear my mom say life only gets faster the older you get.  That used to not really make sense to me, but I think I’m beginning to get it.  The longer you live, the smaller percentage each year contributes to your lifespan, and thus it seems like it is getting faster.  Time doesn’t actually move faster, it just feels like it does.

Some people freak out when they enter a new decade of life.  I hear 40 is particularly tough for some.  I haven’t crossed that line yet, but I hope I am as carefree about it as I am 30.  I think a lot of people are surprised at how fast life goes… but then they just waste their lives away on useless things.  Some people get caught up with drugs or other addictions.  Others abuse or get abused.  Some seek out success or fame and end up hurting those they love to get there.  Then many people just waste time… it’s nice to watch Netflix some, play a video game, or spend time on the internet, but some people waste their lives away with these sorts of activities; they live a fantasy life and forget to live their own.

Before I go any further, let me admit I definitely waste more time than I should!  I also have done my share of stupid things…  But my hope is that I would strive to use every moment wisely.  If I live until 90 (I doubt I will, but it’s easier math), I have already lived 1/3 of my life.  If I die at 60, I have already lived 1/2 of my life.  Whatever the case, there will eventually come a day when my time will come to an end and I am not guaranteed to even make it to 60 or 90.  Because of this, I want to make every moment count.  I want to spend time with the people I love, and teach what I have learned to those who are younger than me.  I want to learn as much as I can from God’s word and listen to the wisdom of those who are older than me.

My encouragement to you is simply to examine the way you spend your time.  Are the things that you do daily the kind of activities you will wish you spent more time doing, or less?  Don’t waste your life… you only get one shot, and as I already mentioned we have no idea how long that shot is going to last!  Make sure you take time to love and be loved.  Make sure you take time to answer the tough questions in life and figure out your purpose.  I believe my purpose is to glorify God.  This doesn’t mean I just spend every day in a church building on my knees; it means I live my life doing normal activities in such a way that I point other people to God.

Life is short, but I don’t believe it ends here.  For those who know Christ, it is only the beginning of a beautiful journey where we find our way back home.  That gives me hope… that gives me purpose.  I’m not worried about being 30, 40, 50, etc… no matter how long or short I live, this life is incredibly brief compared to the time I will spend in my eternal home with God.  That’s why I hope when my time comes to an end, I will be ready and have no regrets.