Is Abortion Murder?

Is Abortion Murder?

That is the question that surrounds the whole abortion issue isn’t it? Some say yes because they believe that the aborted child is a life just like any other human being. Others say no because they believe life does not begin until the child leaves the womb… In 2015 the CDC reported that there were 638,169 legal induced abortions. That is no small number… and thus this is no small issue. This has also been a hot topic lately since on Tuesday, New York voted to expand abortion rights in their state to protect themselves in case Roe vs. Wade were to ever be overturned. And just a few days before that, Friday was the 46th annual March for Life (Pro-Life), and Saturday was the Women’s March (Pro-Choice).

I think the primary difficulty with the abortion issue is that people consider it a political issue. As a result, people automatically assume the evil intent of those who disagree with their own viewpoint. The ones who are pro-life think that those who are pro-choice are pro-murder. In their defense, I do not believe that people who are pro-choice are intentionally pro-murder; they just don’t think abortion is murder. They do not classify a pre-born child as a human being. Whether they are right or not, is a different question entirely. On the other side of the fence, those who are pro-choice often paint pro-life people as anti-women. The fascinating thing about that is there are probably just as many pro-life women as there are pro-choice women. Clearly, this assumption must not be true. Otherwise these women would be hindering their own rights, and would not be helping themselves at all. No, these women see abortion as murder and want to stand up for lives in the womb.

So now I will lay my cards on the table… I do not think abortion is a political issue. I think abortion is murder, and thus a moral issue. A lot of times people who are pro-life are ridiculed because many hold this conviction from religious beliefs. In Psalm 139:13, David says, “For it was you (God) who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Religious conviction is an okay argument for someone who believes in God, but an incredibly weak argument when you are having this debate with someone who does not believe in God. Instead, we need to look at scientific facts related to the development of a child.

The development of a child in the womb is fascinating! A baby’s heart starts beating at around 3 weeks after conception; facial features, nervous system, digestive system, and sensory organs begin to develop during the second month; limbs, fingers (with prints), toes, and most bodily systems are developed by the end of the third month and the baby begins to move his or her hands and mouth. This is why the chance of miscarriage is significantly reduced after three months. That’s just three months of development that I just shared, but many abortion laws allow for abortion up until 24-28 weeks! And some even allow it past that with special circumstances. Unborn babies are undeniably living, undeniably human, undeniably distinct (from parent), undeniably unique, undeniably individual, and undeniably innocent (Daniel R. Heimbach). If science is the basis for answering the question at hand, it strongly supports the belief that abortion is killing a human being. But even if you are “not sure,” wouldn’t it make more sense to err on the side of caution? Here is a video that displays more information about the development of a child in the womb.

Hatred comes as a result of believing the worst in one another. Also, when people are ruled by their hate for another person and their views, they are unlikely to listen to reason; it becomes my team verses your team. Competition and politics take over when the main thing we should be asking is: is it right or is it wrong? We need to be concerned with facts, not sides of the debate or political parties. Whatever side you are on, try to assume the best of people and make your argument from facts, not emotions. I very firmly believe that abortion is wrong… however, I also understand what a difficult situation it must be for a woman to have to face that decision. I couldn’t imagine having to decide as a young woman about to become a single mother… it could put a pause on education, work, financial goals, and all sorts of things. No doubt having a baby requires a certain amount of sacrifice, but that still doesn’t justify taking a life. We should show compassion to women in this situation and offer assistance, options for adoption, and counseling. Pointing the finger does not help them… loving them does.