Acts 9

Acts 9

Read: Acts 9

This chapter represents a turning point in the Book of Acts. The persecutor named Saul becomes the persecuted. Whereas most of the Book of Acts has been about Peter, John, and Jesus’ other disciples, now the story shifts to focus much more on Saul. Here in this chapter, one of the most fierce opponents of the early church gets his world flipped upside down. He is on his way to arrest people who are following and teaching the message about Jesus in Damascus, but God had other plans.

On the way to Damascus, Saul has a vision of Jesus. Can you imagine what this would have been like for him? Following Jesus would be a complete 180! If he believes this vision and chooses to follow Jesus, he will be hated and despised by those whom he is closest with. I find it interesting that Jesus afflicts Saul with physical blindness. Saul was a man that was already spiritually blinded by his zeal and rage. Saul didn’t treat believers with mercy; he had them imprisoned, beaten, and killed. Saul was a man who thought he could see the truth. He knew the scriptures, but was blind to how Jesus fulfilled them.

As the story goes, God restores Saul’s physical sight, but the important thing is that God gives Saul a new spiritual sight. How amazing is the grace of God that he would reveal himself to one such as Saul! If you feel like you are dirty, tainted, too sinful, or not good enough, God’s grace is enough for you! You don’t need to fix everything in your life first; you don’t have to have all the answers. I don’t think Saul quite knew what to do after his encounter… he sat and didn’t eat for three days, but through God’s grace he was led to be one of the greatest missionaries in the history of the church.

Ultimately, God can use anyone. Don’t let the baggage of your past hold you down. Don’t let your current struggles hold you down. God’s grace is sufficient. No one deserves it, no matter how “good” you are. God wants to set you free and help you to see. He has a wonderful plan for your life, if you are just willing to let him open your eyes to see it.