What’s Up With Kanye West?

What’s Up With Kanye West?


Kanye West has been a hot topic lately in both the Christian community and in the secular world. At the end of October Kanye released his new album Jesus is King, which revealed a very different Kanye than anyone had ever heard before. Since the album came out, he has traveled the country performing his “Sunday Service” experience. This sudden change in Kanye has brought about criticism, praise, and all sorts of other reactions. In this post, I want to say a few things I think we should keep in mind as we discuss Kanye’s newfound faith.

Be Realistic

Is Kanye’s new found faith legit? Only time will tell as his fruit reveals his heart. I can tend to be kind of cautious when I see a drastic change in someone until I see what kind of fruit starts growing. Although, I must admit that he already seems to be bearing more fruit than a lot of people who claim Jesus is King. I finally took the time to listen to his new album and watch a “Sunday Service” experience. I must say, I was quite impressed!

Kanye is no seasoned theologian yet, but there is a rawness in his lyrics that indicates radical change. I encourage you to listen to the whole album here, but I think his song “God Is” shows this the best. There is a realness and what seems to be a passionate man who has had his life changed. If God changed Saul into Paul, I believe he can change Kanye too.

Lakewood Church live streamed the “Sunday Service” experience on Sunday Night. This is the church where well known millionaire and prosperity preacher Joel Osteen pastors. I’m not a fan of Osteen. Because of that, I am honestly disappointed that Kanye spoke highly of Osteen in his Q&A on Sunday morning at Lakewood. I am definitely fearful that Kanye might be tempted to follow the prosperity gospel path. However, I’m not ready to throw him in with that crowd yet because he has also been interacting with more biblically sound church leaders as well. Kanye is only a baby Christian. I’ve known many baby Christians who have said positive things about Osteen’s teachings. Kanye needs discipleship, and he is going to say and do stupid things sometimes as he grows. We shouldn’t expect him to be a perfect Christian from day one.

What struck me about the “Sunday Service” experience at Lakewood was Kanye’s focus on repentance and the gospel. There was even a gospel presentation and invitation at the evening service! From what I could see, Jesus was glorified as King in a church of 40,000 people who normally only get advice on how to live their best lives now. He may have been at a prosperity gospel preaching church, but Kanye’s service seemed to be about the real gospel!

Encourage Him

As I watched the “Sunday Service” experience on Facebook live, there was a constant thread of comments. It is amazing how many haters there were! People were brutally criticizing him, while at the same time claiming to have faith in Jesus. It very much reminded me of Luke 7:36-50 when a woman came to kiss Jesus’ feet and wash them with her tears and hair. Do you remember what the Pharisee thought? “This man, if he were a prophet, would know who and what kind of woman this is who is touching him—she’s a sinner!” No doubt Kanye West is a sinner, but so are you! Jesus came to save sinners, and we should always rejoice when one comes to Jesus.

In Kanye’s song “Hands On” he says,

Said I’m finna do a gospel album
What have you been hearin’ from the Christians?
They’ll be the first one to judge me
Make it feel like nobody love me

We are a poor witness if the world only sees our criticism of someone claiming to follow the same Jesus we do. We need to give him a chance and see what he does. Who knows? Maybe the Lord has raised up this man to be a light to celebrities and others who would never listen to the gospel message any other way. A lot of rap culture is really dark. Much of it glorifies gang life, drugs, violence, sex, and abuse. Many kids grow up listening to that trash, and many of those kids listen to Kanye West. Kanye is now speaking and rapping against those things. Who knows what God could do by turning the message of one rapper from hate to love and truth!

Pray For Him

We should pray for Kanye West. If you are still cautious, that’s ok… I am too. That being said, let’s pray that his faith is rooted in the Word of God. Let’s pray that he has godly people to mentor him. There are many in the world that will seek to take advantage of him. I would hate to see him leave the proclamation of the one true gospel for the proclamation of the prosperity gospel or other false teaching. We need to pray that he stays on the right path. In addition to that, we need to pray for Christians to show him grace and love, not hate and criticism. Let’s pray that the Holy Spirit is his guide, and let’s be careful not to let the Devil use us in his attempts to bring Kanye down.