24 Days of Luke

24 Days of Luke

Luke Devotion

Christmas season is almost here! Or for some of you who are so excited about it that you decorate and listen to Christmas songs before Thanksgiving, maybe it is already here! Whatever the case… Tis the season to be jolly! But the main reason we should be jolly is because God sent a Savior to be born so that we can be forgiven of our sins and reconciled with God. Christmas is about God’s GIFT to us through the birth, life, and death of Jesus Christ. Sometimes we can get so busy with buying gifts and finding deals that we forget what we are celebrating. I want to encourage you to focus on Jesus this season by reading through the book of Luke with me!

Some of you may remember the Acts 28 Day Challenge I did in February. In that, I encouraged you to read a chapter a day through Acts for 28 Days. This will be very similar to that. Each day, you will read a chapter in Luke and I will send out a short devotion to go with it. I hope you will join me!

Starting on December 1st, if you would like to have the devotion emailed directly to you each morning as a reminder, you can subscribe here:

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