Luke 1

Luke 1

Luke Devotion

Read: Luke 1

As we begin these 24 days in Luke in preparation for Christmas, what better place to start than with Jesus’ conception!  Many children have been conceived since the foundation of the world, but none quite like this. From the beginning of the book, Luke wants us to know that Jesus is no ordinary child.  Maybe you don’t know much about Jesus, or maybe you have spent years in church and regularly read your Bible. Whatever the case, I encourage you to look at this story as if it were your first time hearing it and let the scriptures speak to you in a fresh new way.  

It all began in verse 26 with the prediction of Jesus’ birth.  An angel sent by God went to a virgin named Mary and told her that she would have a son.  Clearly from the beginning, we see something unique. By biological means, what the angel told Mary is impossible.  Luke was claiming that the child would have a miraculous birth, one even more miraculous than the birth of John to his elderly parents.  Luke says in verses 32-33, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end.”

To call Jesus the Son of the Most High who will have a never ending kingdom on the throne of David is no small thing!  Here from the beginning of his gospel, Luke is saying Jesus is the Promised One. He is the Messiah that has been foretold since ancient times through the prophets (Isaiah 9:6-7).  He will be the one who will bring peace and restore the kingdom! For centuries, the Israelite people had looked forward to this moment and the birth of this King. Luke is saying, he has come!  It’s time to celebrate!

Jesus’ birth is why we celebrate Christmas.  We celebrate Jesus’ birth because it is the greatest gift that was ever given.  As we do our shopping this month and prepare for family gatherings, let us not forget this gift that God has given us.  If we do, we have completely missed it! Maybe it’s been a hard year and it’s hard for you to find joy. Jesus brought “Joy to the World” because there is hope in him.  Maybe you feel lonely or grieve over those you have lost or wish that things were different… may you not forget this gift that God has given you, and may you not forget to share this gift with the hurting world around us during this season.  I pray that we worship Jesus the True King this month, and not let the gods of retail and sales lead us astray.