Luke 3

Luke 3

Luke Devotion

Read: Luke 3

In chapter 3 we see that John the Baptist went “into all the vicinity of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (v. 3).  John was doing the job that was foretold that he would do. Prior to the Messiah’s coming, there was to be one like Elijah who would go before the Messiah to prepare people’s hearts.  John was preparing the people for the message that Jesus would bring. Because of all of the hype surrounding the revival of people’s hearts in John’s ministry, some thought he was the Messiah.  He refuted this by saying, that “one who is more powerful than I am is coming… He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (v. 16). John was preparing the people for Jesus.

As we read, we see that Jesus was also baptized.  This seems a bit odd. Why would Jesus be baptized?  I mean… isn’t he the perfect, sinless, Son of God? What repenting did he need to do?  What forgiveness did he need to seek? He is the forgiver of sins! There is a lot of mystery and debate behind why Jesus did this, but one thing that is for sure is that Jesus always sought to identify himself with the people he came to redeem.  In this instance, he was affirming the ministry of John the Baptist. This passage also shows a passing of the baton from John to Jesus. From this point on John’s ministry becomes lesser and lesser, and Jesus’ becomes greater and greater (John 3:30).  At this moment, Jesus is publicly approved as the Son of God and this marks the starting point of Jesus’ ministry.  

Following Jesus involves repentance.  John was calling people to turn away from their sins, and turn to God for forgiveness.  Baptism is the public profession of faith that symbolizes the cleansing work of God in our lives when he bestows forgiveness to us.  I think one of the reasons Jesus was baptized is because he was setting the example for us. Baptism shows the world that we are submitting our lives to God and trusting in his will for our future.  If you consider yourself a follower of Jesus and have not been baptized, I encourage you to take that step and follow Jesus’ in obedience.  

For more on following Jesus, see What Does It Mean To “Follow Jesus”?