Luke 15

Luke 15

Luke Devotion

Read:  Luke 15

Luke 15 is about the one; the one lost sheep, the one lost coin, and the one lost son. Jesus was ministering to tax collectors and sinners who were listening to him teach.  As they watched, the Pharisees and scribes complained about him because he was spending so much time with sinners. Jesus then told a series of parables that explained that God cares for each one, no matter where they are at.  God will go and find them, and bring them back to himself.  

In the first two parables, Jesus ended with the idea that, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who don’t need repentance.”  So, what does Jesus mean by this?  Is he saying that some people don’t really need to repent to get into heaven?  No, that wouldn’t make sense considering what he talked about in Luke 13. What he is saying is that heaven rejoices over those who realize they need to repent.  It does not rejoice over those who do not think they need to repent. It is really a further illustration of the topic of repentance that Jesus was talking about in the past two chapters.  The humble and repentant will inherit the kingdom of God; the prideful and unrepentant will not.  

The parable of the lost son is one of Jesus’ most famous parables.  The younger son asked for his inheritance early, which would have been a great insult in that culture.  Basically he was inferring, “I don’t care if you live or die, just give me your money!” His father granted his wish and he went off and wasted every bit of it.  His father had been so good to him, yet he had been so unthankful. But even in his selfishness, he eventually came to his senses and the father welcomed him back!  The older son is like the Pharisees who complain about Jesus ministering to sinners. He is not thankful for what he has been given and does not rejoice over his repentant brother’s return.  

Wherever you are, you are not too far from God’s grace.  Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient for whatever you may regret.  He will seek you out and wants to bring you back to him, but you have to let it go and give it over to him.  Jesus also wants you to have a heart that cares for the one who is far from God. Who is one person you could bless this holiday season?  It doesn’t have to be twenty people… just one. If everyone helps one person, what a difference we could make together. Let’s show people the love of Jesus this Christmas season!