Luke 18

Luke 18

Luke Devotion

Read:  Luke 18

Near the end of this chapter, Jesus made the third prediction of his death (see Luke 9:21-22 and 13:33).  This time he gave a little more detail, but the disciples still did not understand what he was talking about.  It even says that the meaning was “hidden from them, and they did not grasp what was said.”  This is quite interesting… It makes you wonder why Jesus even bothered to tell them, though it was probably so they could look back on it later.  

The next story is about a blind man receiving his sight.  I do not believe it is mere coincidence that we read about the blindness of the disciples, and then read about a blind man being healed.  As I look at my life, there have been many times when I did not know what God was doing. Half the time I still don’t know, but a lot of those times, I didn’t get what God was doing until later.

When I was in high school, I went to a summer camp one year and understood the gospel for the first time. As far as I can remember, that was the first time I had ever heard it.  I remember coming home wondering why no one had ever told me this message. I was then informed that I had been told this message many times before throughout my childhood. What was the problem? I was blind! I did not and I could not understand until God opened my eyes to see.  

If there are things you are going through in your life that you don’t understand, cry out to God!  Ask him to help you see what he is doing. Ask him to show you what he is teaching you. He will show mercy and help you find your way.  It may not happen all at once, but God will direct your steps if you ask him.

If you are still waiting, reading the Bible is a good place to start.  Many times we try to find God’s will through some sort of miraculous vision or revelation, but he has already said a lot about his will for us in the pages of the book he gave us to read.  If someone else you know is walking in blindness, pray for them and help them find their way to Jesus. Only through knowing him can we truly see what life is all about.