Luke 22

Luke 22

Luke Devotion

Read: Luke 22

Have you ever been betrayed?  How did that make you feel? Betrayal is one of the most difficult things for us to forgive because it is so personal.  Here in this chapter, we see Jesus was betrayed twice. First, Jesus was betrayed by Judas as he brought a mob to arrest him.  Then one of his closest disciples denied him before others saying he did not even know him. Let’s not forget the humanity of Jesus in these moments.  Even though he had predicted these things and knew they were coming, it must have still been a difficult thing for him to experience.  

We can first see the weight of Jesus’ dread when he was praying beforehand.  Clearly he did not want to face the betrayal of his friends and later the cross.  Even knowing what was coming, Jesus was submissive to his Father’s will. Knowing it was going to happen, he could have stopped Judas or ran away, but he chose to give himself up because that is what he came to do.  That was the only way you and I could have salvation and be forgiven and reconciled back to God.  

Even in his moment of greatest need, his friends were no help at all.  While he prayed in anguish, his friends slept. As he served his disciples, he ate with the one would turn him in to be crucified.  Then after he was betrayed, Peter denied him and the rest of his disciples scattered in fear. Surely Jesus felt lonely and let down during this time in his life.  Even if he knew it was coming, it couldn’t have been easy to bear.  

Most of the time, we talk about Christmas as a joyful season.  There are a lot of things to celebrate like family time, gifts, Christmas parties, and such.  But it isn’t such a joyful time for everyone. Maybe you are lonely this Christmas and feel like all your family and friends have deserted you.  Jesus understands that. Maybe you are struggling with finances this Christmas and barely have enough to provide for your family. Jesus understands what it is like to have nothing and no one.  This Christmas, whatever situation you are in, trust that Jesus understands. Then make sure you find joy in him this season even if your circumstances make it seem like you have little to celebrate.