Author: Justin Patton

Racial Injustice

How Do We Respond To Racial Injustice In Our Society?

I have never in my life felt such a burden for racial injustice like I have been feeling this past week. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve been thinking through what to write for over a week now because I was fearful I would say the wrong thing. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery,…
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Coronavirus Outbreak

Will Americans Unite During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Only a week ago, life was pretty normal. Around the world, the coronavirus outbreak was spreading, but that sort of thing couldn’t happen here in the US… could it? I remember listening to high school kids joking around about it, and seeing social media memes doing the same. A week later, people are fighting over…
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NFL Promoting The Sex Industry

Was The NFL Promoting The Sex Industry?

Super Bowl LIV was quite a game! It was close for most of the game, and it was nice to see teams playing that don’t normally make it to the big game (sorry Patriots fans). Plus it was nice to see the Chiefs win since their last one was 50 years ago. Truthfully I’m not…
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If God Doesn't Come Through

What If God Doesn’t Come Through?

Sometimes I find myself feeling discouraged if God doesn’t come through in the way I had hoped. Maybe it’s a health issue that I’ve struggled with. Maybe it’s financial difficulties. Or maybe it’s something in my ministry that I am passionate about, but it doesn’t seem like God cares about the things I want him…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 24

Read: Luke 24 You’ve made it to the last day!  Over the past twenty three days, we have read about all the amazing things Jesus did.  He healed people, showed compassion and love, demonstrated forgiveness, casted out demons, raised people from the dead, and all sorts of other things.  Today, we read about his most…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 23

Read: Luke 23 The crucifixion account is difficult to read.  Jesus had done nothing wrong, yet he was condemned to die a criminal’s death.  Pilate didn’t find reason to kill him and neither did Herod. It is interesting to see here that these two evil men were actually better to Jesus than the so called…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 22

Read: Luke 22 Have you ever been betrayed?  How did that make you feel? Betrayal is one of the most difficult things for us to forgive because it is so personal.  Here in this chapter, we see Jesus was betrayed twice. First, Jesus was betrayed by Judas as he brought a mob to arrest him. …
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Luke Devotion

Luke 21

Read: Luke 21 Many individuals over the years have scared people into a frenzy over the end of the world.  Some of them even set dates predicting the end or Christ’s return, but all have been wrong so far.  Many movies have been made on this topic also, some from religious backgrounds and others not.…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 20

Read: Luke 20 In Luke 19, Jesus entered Jerusalem like royalty!  Then as soon as he got there the chief priests, the scribes, and other leaders started looking for a way to kill him (19:47).  These leaders were trying to test Jesus, hoping to catch him in something that they could use to condemn him.…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 19

Read:  Luke 19 In the American church, there is almost always push back when pastors talk about money.  People don’t like to be told what to do with their money. We like our possessions and want to use our money for the things we want.  For many it is just plain selfishness, but there are…
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