Author: Justin Patton

Luke Devotion

Luke 8

Read:  Luke 8 Yesterday we read about how Jesus raised a widow’s son to life and forgave a woman’s sins and the people said, “God has visited his people.”  Today we will see more spectacular things as Jesus controls the wind and waves, demonstrates authority over demons, and again heals and raises the dead.  To…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 7

Read: Luke 7 As you read Luke 7, try to put yourself in the story as you hear about Jesus raising the widow’s son to life and forgiving the sinful woman.  Jesus had not yet been crucified and they did not have the New Testament and information about Jesus that we do. They knew he…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 6

Read: Luke 6 Luke 6 is so full of good content, I could probably write ten devotions on this day.  But instead of doing that, I’m going to focus on verses 27-36. In three little words, Jesus flipped the world upside down.  “Love your enemies” is one of Jesus’ most difficult teachings. No one naturally…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 5

Read: Luke 5 At the beginning of Luke 5, Jesus recruited his first disciples.  Out of the three accounts of this event (see Matthew 4:18-22 and Mark 1:16-20), this one is the most detailed.  The other two give a brief summary that seems like Jesus just came up to some random guys and said, “Follow…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 4

Read: Luke 4 Jesus quickly went from being commissioned in chapter 3 to being tested in Luke 4.  The Israelites went through the Red Sea and then faced forty years of trials. Jesus in a similar fashion faced forty days of temptation by the devil.  Here, Jesus was starving…. can you imagine not eating anything…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 3

Read: Luke 3 In chapter 3 we see that John the Baptist went “into all the vicinity of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (v. 3).  John was doing the job that was foretold that he would do. Prior to the Messiah’s coming, there was to be one like…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 2

Read: Luke 2 In verse 7, our Savior Jesus is born!  And what a way to come in to the world… the King of kings was born in one of the lowliest of ways.  As Mary was about to give birth, she was traveling for a census. Because of the census, there were so many…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 1

Read: Luke 1 As we begin these 24 days in Luke in preparation for Christmas, what better place to start than with Jesus’ conception!  Many children have been conceived since the foundation of the world, but none quite like this. From the beginning of the book, Luke wants us to know that Jesus is no…
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Luke Devotion

24 Days of Luke

Christmas season is almost here! Or for some of you who are so excited about it that you decorate and listen to Christmas songs before Thanksgiving, maybe it is already here! Whatever the case… Tis the season to be jolly! But the main reason we should be jolly is because God sent a Savior to…
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What’s Up With Kanye West?

Kanye West has been a hot topic lately in both the Christian community and in the secular world. At the end of October Kanye released his new album Jesus is King, which revealed a very different Kanye than anyone had ever heard before. Since the album came out, he has traveled the country performing his…
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