Author: Justin Patton

(Wisdom Wednesday) What Do You Worship?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A person will worship something, have no doubt about that.  We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will come out.  That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character.  Therefore, it behooves us to be…
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How Can I Escape The Mistakes Of My Past?

We all have regrets… if we could do some things over again… we would.  I know that personally I have said things and did things that I shouldn’t have when I was younger… and truthfully I still do.  The unfortunate reality is that these mistakes often end up coming back to haunt us.  Maybe you made…
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Can I Be A Christian Without Going To Church?

Here in America we often hear people say, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian!”  Or, “All I need is the Bible!”  In a perfect world, I might agree with you… but we don’t live in a perfect world, do we?  During biblical times and in many cultures today, the idea…
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Why Does Life Seem To Go By So Fast?

Yesterday I entered a new decade of life… I am now in my 30s.  That’s a little weird… I don’t really feel like I have been around 30 years.  When I think about the past 10, it is kind of crazy that I graduated from college 7 years ago, left Philadelphia 5 years ago, and…
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Where Do You Find Hope When Things Go Wrong?

On Tuesday evening I went to bed with a stomach ache hoping I would feel better in the morning.  Instead, I woke up at about 1:00am and the pain was much worse.  It had also spread from above my belly button to the lower right side of my abdomen.  I’m no doctor, but I know…
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What Are Some Things That You Fear?

When you read the title of this post, you will probably think about things like spiders, snakes, heights, and so on.  Clearly there are legitimate reasons to be afraid of some of those things, but I’m talking about the fears that you have that subconsciously guide the way you live… What I am getting at…
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Are You Wasting Your Life With Frivolous Things?

According to Deutsche Bank Research, middle income American families spend about 50% of their income on luxuries or non-necessities.  The wealthiest families spend about 65% of their income on luxuries, and even low income families spend about 40% of their income on luxuries.  That is spending money that they do have, but 46% of Americans…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) Do You Take Time To Rest And Get Away?

In 2017, it was estimated that 54% of Americans left vacation days unused.  Americans left around 662 million days unused; 206 million of these were forfeited because they were not able to be rolled over to the next year.  Despite this, 96% of Americans say that it is important for them to use their paid…
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Aren’t All Religions Essentially The Same?

Close to half of Americans believe that it doesn’t really matter what religious faith you follow because all of them basically teach the same lessons, but is this really true?  Or do people just say this because they heard it from someone else or they have not looked into various religious views enough to see…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) But Words Will Never Hurt Me?

You may have heard the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” If we are honest with ourselves, this statement is clearly false. Words do not directly cause physical damage, but they can definitely hurt us. Sometimes when someone says something that hurts it can lead us to…
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