
Racial Injustice

How Do We Respond To Racial Injustice In Our Society?

I have never in my life felt such a burden for racial injustice like I have been feeling this past week. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve been thinking through what to write for over a week now because I was fearful I would say the wrong thing. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery,…
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People Dying

How Do We Respond To People Dying?

For most Americans, death isn’t something about which we like to think or talk. Certainly, we don’t want to think about our own mortality (see previous post: You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?). Nor do we tend to let our thoughts linger on the idea of people dying. The thought of others’ dying elicits…
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Coronavirus Outbreak

Will Americans Unite During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Only a week ago, life was pretty normal. Around the world, the coronavirus outbreak was spreading, but that sort of thing couldn’t happen here in the US… could it? I remember listening to high school kids joking around about it, and seeing social media memes doing the same. A week later, people are fighting over…
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NFL Promoting The Sex Industry

Was The NFL Promoting The Sex Industry?

Super Bowl LIV was quite a game! It was close for most of the game, and it was nice to see teams playing that don’t normally make it to the big game (sorry Patriots fans). Plus it was nice to see the Chiefs win since their last one was 50 years ago. Truthfully I’m not…
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If God Doesn't Come Through

What If God Doesn’t Come Through?

Sometimes I find myself feeling discouraged if God doesn’t come through in the way I had hoped. Maybe it’s a health issue that I’ve struggled with. Maybe it’s financial difficulties. Or maybe it’s something in my ministry that I am passionate about, but it doesn’t seem like God cares about the things I want him…
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What’s Up With Kanye West?

Kanye West has been a hot topic lately in both the Christian community and in the secular world. At the end of October Kanye released his new album Jesus is King, which revealed a very different Kanye than anyone had ever heard before. Since the album came out, he has traveled the country performing his…
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(Perception) Did They Really Mean That?

Sometimes people say things that hurt us… At times a person may say hurtful things on purpose, but a lot of times we perceive words to be hurtful when that was not their original intent. Albert Mehrabian estimated that 93% of our communication is non-verbal. That means only 7% of what we communicate comes from…
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Following Jesus

What Does It Mean To “Follow Jesus”?

“Following Jesus” can be a phrase that Christians tend to throw around a lot. For those who are not from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow some dead guy’s teachings. For those who are from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow Jesus’ example.…
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Walk Away

Can A True Believer Really Walk Away From God?

Did They Really Walk Away? A couple weeks ago Joshua Harris decided to walk away from God and no longer considers himself a Christian. The man who wrote “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and influenced my generation in purity and relationships has now kissed his marriage goodbye and renounced his belief in God. How is this…
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curse words

Is It Wrong To Use Curse Words?

Disclaimer: In order to discuss curse words, it was necessary to use some. I hope you understand the heart behind it. Curse words are an interesting anomaly. People can say the same word in a variety of contexts and mean all sorts of things. We’ve all heard the F-word used this way. Someone could say,…
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