
Aren’t Children Supposed To Be A Blessing?

This past Sunday, 13 abused and malnourished children aging between 2-29 were found in a California residence; some of them were chained to their beds and in disgusting conditions.  These were the children of David and Louise Turpin who were charged with 9 counts of torture and 10 counts of child endangerment after their 17…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) What Ever Happened to Patience?

On September 6th, 1620 the Mayflower set sail from England and arrived at Plymouth Rock on November 9th, 1620.  This was a 66 day journey!  Today, we can jump on a plane and be almost anywhere in the world in 24hrs.  A few years ago I travelled to Hungary; between layovers and bus travel it…
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Is Conflict Always Bad?

A lot of times when we face conflict, we tend to default into a defensive position.  We assume that the person or persons whom we are in conflict with is against us, when most of the time they are only against our differing opinion.  Unfortunately, this wrong assumption often brings about conflict that is not…
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Why Does The World Seem So Messed Up?

As we look around at the evil things that happen in our society, we often wonder… “Why is this happening?”  We see all sorts of messed up things like child slavery, sex trafficking, wars, terrorism, and even naturally caused evils like earthquakes and hurricanes.  The question of why these things happen is one that tends…
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