Category: Blog

Luke Devotion

24 Days of Luke

Christmas season is almost here! Or for some of you who are so excited about it that you decorate and listen to Christmas songs before Thanksgiving, maybe it is already here! Whatever the case… Tis the season to be jolly! But the main reason we should be jolly is because God sent a Savior to…
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LGBT+ Movement

How Should Christians React To The LGBT+ Movement?

June is LGBT+ Pride Month and with it comes a lot of media attention. There are LGBT+ pride parades and rainbow flags everywhere you look! Many organizations have even altered their normal brand logos with rainbow colors for the month in support. On the flip side, many individuals have opposed the LGBT+ movement. Some have…
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How Do You Love Someone You Disagree With?

There is a lot of hate out there… those of us who follow the news or interact with the social media world see it daily. Unfortunately, that hate is spilling over into our own personal engagements. Sometimes we realize this in time, and other times we say things that we regret or get hurt ourselves.…
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Were Early Christians Socialists?

Today socialism is a hot topic. In 2015, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders won the hearts of many young Americans in his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination with promises of free college tuition and medicare for all. More recently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has taken the spotlight as she pushes the radical vision of her Green New…
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Acts 28 Day Challenge

February has 28 days. Acts has 28 chapters. Many of us find it hard to prioritize time reading the Bible with our busy lives, but reading the Bible each day can be one of the most beneficial things we can do for our spiritual growth. I challenge you over the next 28 days to read…
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Is Abortion Murder?

That is the question that surrounds the whole abortion issue isn’t it? Some say yes because they believe that the aborted child is a life just like any other human being. Others say no because they believe life does not begin until the child leaves the womb… In 2015 the CDC reported that there were…
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What Will Be Different About This Year?

Happy New Year! Maybe you are the kind of person who likes to set New Year’s resolutions. This year you want to read more, give more, go to church more, or be a better friend, spouse, or parent. Or maybe you want to be more successful with your job or get into better physical shape.…
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What Are You Joyful About?

Despite the emphasis on joy in the Christmas season, for many it is not very joyful at all. Some are dealing with sickness, or many miss someone that’s no longer with us. For me, things have never quite been the same since my grandmother passed away back in 2000. We used to meet at my…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) What Do You Worship?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A person will worship something, have no doubt about that.  We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will come out.  That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character.  Therefore, it behooves us to be…
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How Can I Escape The Mistakes Of My Past?

We all have regrets… if we could do some things over again… we would.  I know that personally I have said things and did things that I shouldn’t have when I was younger… and truthfully I still do.  The unfortunate reality is that these mistakes often end up coming back to haunt us.  Maybe you made…
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