Category: Current Events

Racial Injustice

How Do We Respond To Racial Injustice In Our Society?

I have never in my life felt such a burden for racial injustice like I have been feeling this past week. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve been thinking through what to write for over a week now because I was fearful I would say the wrong thing. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery,…
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People Dying

How Do We Respond To People Dying?

For most Americans, death isn’t something about which we like to think or talk. Certainly, we don’t want to think about our own mortality (see previous post: You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?). Nor do we tend to let our thoughts linger on the idea of people dying. The thought of others’ dying elicits…
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Coronavirus Outbreak

Will Americans Unite During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

Only a week ago, life was pretty normal. Around the world, the coronavirus outbreak was spreading, but that sort of thing couldn’t happen here in the US… could it? I remember listening to high school kids joking around about it, and seeing social media memes doing the same. A week later, people are fighting over…
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What’s Up With Kanye West?

Kanye West has been a hot topic lately in both the Christian community and in the secular world. At the end of October Kanye released his new album Jesus is King, which revealed a very different Kanye than anyone had ever heard before. Since the album came out, he has traveled the country performing his…
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