Category: Ethics

Racial Injustice

How Do We Respond To Racial Injustice In Our Society?

I have never in my life felt such a burden for racial injustice like I have been feeling this past week. I honestly didn’t know what to say. I’ve been thinking through what to write for over a week now because I was fearful I would say the wrong thing. The murders of Ahmaud Arbery,…
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NFL Promoting The Sex Industry

Was The NFL Promoting The Sex Industry?

Super Bowl LIV was quite a game! It was close for most of the game, and it was nice to see teams playing that don’t normally make it to the big game (sorry Patriots fans). Plus it was nice to see the Chiefs win since their last one was 50 years ago. Truthfully I’m not…
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curse words

Is It Wrong To Use Curse Words?

Disclaimer: In order to discuss curse words, it was necessary to use some. I hope you understand the heart behind it. Curse words are an interesting anomaly. People can say the same word in a variety of contexts and mean all sorts of things. We’ve all heard the F-word used this way. Someone could say,…
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LGBT+ Movement

How Should Christians React To The LGBT+ Movement?

June is LGBT+ Pride Month and with it comes a lot of media attention. There are LGBT+ pride parades and rainbow flags everywhere you look! Many organizations have even altered their normal brand logos with rainbow colors for the month in support. On the flip side, many individuals have opposed the LGBT+ movement. Some have…
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How Do You Love Someone You Disagree With?

There is a lot of hate out there… those of us who follow the news or interact with the social media world see it daily. Unfortunately, that hate is spilling over into our own personal engagements. Sometimes we realize this in time, and other times we say things that we regret or get hurt ourselves.…
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Does God Want Me To Suffer?

Recently I read through the Book of Job from the Bible. One can’t help but read this book and finish it with a lot of questions. In the beginning there is a guy named Job, who is a righteous man and honors God with his life; he has done nothing specifically to deserve any sort…
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Is Abortion Murder?

That is the question that surrounds the whole abortion issue isn’t it? Some say yes because they believe that the aborted child is a life just like any other human being. Others say no because they believe life does not begin until the child leaves the womb… In 2015 the CDC reported that there were…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) But Words Will Never Hurt Me?

You may have heard the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” If we are honest with ourselves, this statement is clearly false. Words do not directly cause physical damage, but they can definitely hurt us. Sometimes when someone says something that hurts it can lead us to…
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What Is The Most Dangerous Weapon In Our Society?

On Wednesday Nikolas Cruz opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, killing 17 people and wounding more than a dozen. If you haven’t heard much about it, this article gives a moment by moment account.  This was the third deadliest school shooting in US history after Sandy Hook in 2012 where there…
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How Does The Racism Of The Past Affect Me Today?

So much of the division that goes on in our society is related to race issues. This is not just a problem in the United States; it is an issue around the globe. Unfortunately America’s history is darkened by the days of slavery, the Civil War, and segregation. Today opinions on racism tend to drift…
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