Category: Philosophy

Walk Away

Can A True Believer Really Walk Away From God?

Did They Really Walk Away? A couple weeks ago Joshua Harris decided to walk away from God and no longer considers himself a Christian. The man who wrote “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and influenced my generation in purity and relationships has now kissed his marriage goodbye and renounced his belief in God. How is this…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) What Do You Worship?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A person will worship something, have no doubt about that.  We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will come out.  That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character.  Therefore, it behooves us to be…
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Aren’t All Religions Essentially The Same?

Close to half of Americans believe that it doesn’t really matter what religious faith you follow because all of them basically teach the same lessons, but is this really true?  Or do people just say this because they heard it from someone else or they have not looked into various religious views enough to see…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?

American radio and television writer Andrew Rooney said, “Death is a distant rumor to the young.”  There is certainly some wisdom in this saying.  When I was young(er) I never really thought much about death… but the reality is that of the few things that are absolutely certain in this life, death is one of…
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Why Does The World Seem So Messed Up?

As we look around at the evil things that happen in our society, we often wonder… “Why is this happening?”  We see all sorts of messed up things like child slavery, sex trafficking, wars, terrorism, and even naturally caused evils like earthquakes and hurricanes.  The question of why these things happen is one that tends…
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