Category: Theology

People Dying

How Do We Respond To People Dying?

For most Americans, death isn’t something about which we like to think or talk. Certainly, we don’t want to think about our own mortality (see previous post: You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?). Nor do we tend to let our thoughts linger on the idea of people dying. The thought of others’ dying elicits…
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If God Doesn't Come Through

What If God Doesn’t Come Through?

Sometimes I find myself feeling discouraged if God doesn’t come through in the way I had hoped. Maybe it’s a health issue that I’ve struggled with. Maybe it’s financial difficulties. Or maybe it’s something in my ministry that I am passionate about, but it doesn’t seem like God cares about the things I want him…
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Following Jesus

What Does It Mean To “Follow Jesus”?

“Following Jesus” can be a phrase that Christians tend to throw around a lot. For those who are not from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow some dead guy’s teachings. For those who are from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow Jesus’ example.…
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Walk Away

Can A True Believer Really Walk Away From God?

Did They Really Walk Away? A couple weeks ago Joshua Harris decided to walk away from God and no longer considers himself a Christian. The man who wrote “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and influenced my generation in purity and relationships has now kissed his marriage goodbye and renounced his belief in God. How is this…
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What Are You Joyful About?

Despite the emphasis on joy in the Christmas season, for many it is not very joyful at all. Some are dealing with sickness, or many miss someone that’s no longer with us. For me, things have never quite been the same since my grandmother passed away back in 2000. We used to meet at my…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) What Do You Worship?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “A person will worship something, have no doubt about that.  We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts, but it will come out.  That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives, and our character.  Therefore, it behooves us to be…
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Where Do You Find Hope When Things Go Wrong?

On Tuesday evening I went to bed with a stomach ache hoping I would feel better in the morning.  Instead, I woke up at about 1:00am and the pain was much worse.  It had also spread from above my belly button to the lower right side of my abdomen.  I’m no doctor, but I know…
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What Are Some Things That You Fear?

When you read the title of this post, you will probably think about things like spiders, snakes, heights, and so on.  Clearly there are legitimate reasons to be afraid of some of those things, but I’m talking about the fears that you have that subconsciously guide the way you live… What I am getting at…
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Aren’t All Religions Essentially The Same?

Close to half of Americans believe that it doesn’t really matter what religious faith you follow because all of them basically teach the same lessons, but is this really true?  Or do people just say this because they heard it from someone else or they have not looked into various religious views enough to see…
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Is There Any Evidence That Jesus Rose From The Dead?

Growing up as a kid, we used to sing a song that goes like this… “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so…” For some people, it isn’t hard to believe something if the Bible tells them so. For others, there is a desire to have evidence that backs up what…
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