Tag: Bible

Acts 13

Read: Acts 13 In the beginning of Acts 13, we see that the church at Antioch had many prophets and teachers.  Because of this, they saw the need to send out some of these leaders to carry the gospel message to new places.  They were led by the Holy Spirit to choose Barnabas and Saul…
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Acts 12

Read: Acts 12 Here we see that James has already been killed by King Herod. For those who have read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), it is clear that though Jesus had twelve apostles, there were three that he invested in to greater extent. These three men were Peter, James, and John. All…
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Acts 11

Read: Acts 11 The story from Acts 10 continues in chapter 11. Peter’s Jewish buddies were wondering why he went to spend time with a Gentile man. As was mentioned previously, the Jews did not have a very high view of Gentiles or non-Jewish folk.  Because of this, Peter recounts the vision and experience he…
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Acts 10

Read: Acts 10 In this chapter, we see Peter having a strange vision. Jewish people were not supposed to eat certain animals that were considered unclean. In the dream, Peter sees these animals and is told to kill and eat them. Peter declines, saying he has never eaten anything impure. The voice replied, “What God…
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Acts 9

Read: Acts 9 This chapter represents a turning point in the Book of Acts. The persecutor named Saul becomes the persecuted. Whereas most of the Book of Acts has been about Peter, John, and Jesus’ other disciples, now the story shifts to focus much more on Saul. Here in this chapter, one of the most…
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Acts 8

Read: Acts 8 Here we see that the persecution that the Christians are facing worsens to the point that “all except the apostles were scattered.” This forces the new believers to go to places they normally wouldn’t go. Philip specifically goes to Samaria. Typically, Jews hated the Samaritans; a Jewish man like Phillip would not…
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Acts 7

Read: Acts 7 When good things begin to happen, Satan prepares to make his move. In Acts 7 we have the first recorded instance of someone being killed for proclaiming the name of Jesus. Stephen, “full of the Holy Spirit,” speaks a powerful message about the history of Israel and he condemns the listeners for rejecting the…
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Acts 6

Read: Acts 6 Here in this chapter we see the need for delegation in church leadership. Many people today expect that it is the pastor’s job to do the ministry and they leave it at that. They give to the church to support the pastor and his family so he can dedicate time to work…
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Acts 5

Read: Acts 5 In this chapter we see a lot happening with the early church.  First we see that God does not tolerate false testimony when Ananias and Sapphira lie to the Holy Spirit.  This was not because they didn’t give all the money away from selling their land; it was because they lied and…
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Acts 4

Read: Acts 4 Peter and John are confronted and arrested because of what they did in chapter 3.  This did not dampen their spirits at all! Instead, these two men amaze their captors with their boldness.  Peter and John are just ordinary men, yet they see that there is something inexplicably amazing about them. They…
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