Tag: conflict

How Do You Love Someone You Disagree With?

There is a lot of hate out there… those of us who follow the news or interact with the social media world see it daily. Unfortunately, that hate is spilling over into our own personal engagements. Sometimes we realize this in time, and other times we say things that we regret or get hurt ourselves.…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) But Words Will Never Hurt Me?

You may have heard the phrase, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” If we are honest with ourselves, this statement is clearly false. Words do not directly cause physical damage, but they can definitely hurt us. Sometimes when someone says something that hurts it can lead us to…
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Are We A House Divided?

Recently the big story in the news is the government shutdown.  I don’t know all of the details, but at the center of it is the fact that congress cannot agree on a variety of things. Neither one is willing to budge on their positions, and they are not treating one another with respect.  As…
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Is Conflict Always Bad?

A lot of times when we face conflict, we tend to default into a defensive position.  We assume that the person or persons whom we are in conflict with is against us, when most of the time they are only against our differing opinion.  Unfortunately, this wrong assumption often brings about conflict that is not…
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