Tag: family

NFL Promoting The Sex Industry

Was The NFL Promoting The Sex Industry?

Super Bowl LIV was quite a game! It was close for most of the game, and it was nice to see teams playing that don’t normally make it to the big game (sorry Patriots fans). Plus it was nice to see the Chiefs win since their last one was 50 years ago. Truthfully I’m not…
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Following Jesus

What Does It Mean To “Follow Jesus”?

“Following Jesus” can be a phrase that Christians tend to throw around a lot. For those who are not from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow some dead guy’s teachings. For those who are from a Christian background, it may sound like a suggestion to just follow Jesus’ example.…
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What Are You Joyful About?

Despite the emphasis on joy in the Christmas season, for many it is not very joyful at all. Some are dealing with sickness, or many miss someone that’s no longer with us. For me, things have never quite been the same since my grandmother passed away back in 2000. We used to meet at my…
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Can I Be A Christian Without Going To Church?

Here in America we often hear people say, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian!”  Or, “All I need is the Bible!”  In a perfect world, I might agree with you… but we don’t live in a perfect world, do we?  During biblical times and in many cultures today, the idea…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) Do You Take Time To Rest And Get Away?

In 2017, it was estimated that 54% of Americans left vacation days unused.  Americans left around 662 million days unused; 206 million of these were forfeited because they were not able to be rolled over to the next year.  Despite this, 96% of Americans say that it is important for them to use their paid…
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Are My Expectations For A Spouse Too High?

Though it is hard to get an exact number because of differences in assessment methods, some have estimated that 40-50% of marriages in the United States will end in divorce.  Others have argued that it is more like 30% but I don’t think either one is that impressive… For many couples, once the “lovey-dovey” feelings…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) What Ever Happened to Patience?

On September 6th, 1620 the Mayflower set sail from England and arrived at Plymouth Rock on November 9th, 1620.  This was a 66 day journey!  Today, we can jump on a plane and be almost anywhere in the world in 24hrs.  A few years ago I travelled to Hungary; between layovers and bus travel it…
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