Tag: God

People Dying

How Do We Respond To People Dying?

For most Americans, death isn’t something about which we like to think or talk. Certainly, we don’t want to think about our own mortality (see previous post: You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?). Nor do we tend to let our thoughts linger on the idea of people dying. The thought of others’ dying elicits…
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If God Doesn't Come Through

What If God Doesn’t Come Through?

Sometimes I find myself feeling discouraged if God doesn’t come through in the way I had hoped. Maybe it’s a health issue that I’ve struggled with. Maybe it’s financial difficulties. Or maybe it’s something in my ministry that I am passionate about, but it doesn’t seem like God cares about the things I want him…
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Walk Away

Can A True Believer Really Walk Away From God?

Did They Really Walk Away? A couple weeks ago Joshua Harris decided to walk away from God and no longer considers himself a Christian. The man who wrote “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” and influenced my generation in purity and relationships has now kissed his marriage goodbye and renounced his belief in God. How is this…
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Does God Want Me To Suffer?

Recently I read through the Book of Job from the Bible. One can’t help but read this book and finish it with a lot of questions. In the beginning there is a guy named Job, who is a righteous man and honors God with his life; he has done nothing specifically to deserve any sort…
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What Are You Joyful About?

Despite the emphasis on joy in the Christmas season, for many it is not very joyful at all. Some are dealing with sickness, or many miss someone that’s no longer with us. For me, things have never quite been the same since my grandmother passed away back in 2000. We used to meet at my…
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Why Does Life Seem To Go By So Fast?

Yesterday I entered a new decade of life… I am now in my 30s.  That’s a little weird… I don’t really feel like I have been around 30 years.  When I think about the past 10, it is kind of crazy that I graduated from college 7 years ago, left Philadelphia 5 years ago, and…
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Aren’t All Religions Essentially The Same?

Close to half of Americans believe that it doesn’t really matter what religious faith you follow because all of them basically teach the same lessons, but is this really true?  Or do people just say this because they heard it from someone else or they have not looked into various religious views enough to see…
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What Comes To Mind When You Think Of Greatness?

Most of the time when we think of greatness, we tend to think of people who are extremely successful. We think of the people of power and wealth in the world like celebrities or political leaders. Or maybe if you are a sports fan, you think of the strongest and fastest athletes with the most…
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Glory To God Or To Self?

Last Sunday approximately 103.4 million people watched the Super Bowl and were surprised by an underdog upset. Some people watched because they love football, some were fans of one of the two teams, and others just like the commercials or Justin Timberlake. Whatever the case, these football players had a huge platform; all eyes were…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?

American radio and television writer Andrew Rooney said, “Death is a distant rumor to the young.”  There is certainly some wisdom in this saying.  When I was young(er) I never really thought much about death… but the reality is that of the few things that are absolutely certain in this life, death is one of…
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