Tag: Psalms

People Dying

How Do We Respond To People Dying?

For most Americans, death isn’t something about which we like to think or talk. Certainly, we don’t want to think about our own mortality (see previous post: You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?). Nor do we tend to let our thoughts linger on the idea of people dying. The thought of others’ dying elicits…
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Is Abortion Murder?

That is the question that surrounds the whole abortion issue isn’t it? Some say yes because they believe that the aborted child is a life just like any other human being. Others say no because they believe life does not begin until the child leaves the womb… In 2015 the CDC reported that there were…
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Aren’t Children Supposed To Be A Blessing?

This past Sunday, 13 abused and malnourished children aging between 2-29 were found in a California residence; some of them were chained to their beds and in disgusting conditions.  These were the children of David and Louise Turpin who were charged with 9 counts of torture and 10 counts of child endangerment after their 17…
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