Tag: reading

Luke Devotion

Luke 4

Read: Luke 4 Jesus quickly went from being commissioned in chapter 3 to being tested in Luke 4.  The Israelites went through the Red Sea and then faced forty years of trials. Jesus in a similar fashion faced forty days of temptation by the devil.  Here, Jesus was starving…. can you imagine not eating anything…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 3

Read: Luke 3 In chapter 3 we see that John the Baptist went “into all the vicinity of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” (v. 3).  John was doing the job that was foretold that he would do. Prior to the Messiah’s coming, there was to be one like…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 2

Read: Luke 2 In verse 7, our Savior Jesus is born!  And what a way to come in to the world… the King of kings was born in one of the lowliest of ways.  As Mary was about to give birth, she was traveling for a census. Because of the census, there were so many…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 1

Read: Luke 1 As we begin these 24 days in Luke in preparation for Christmas, what better place to start than with Jesus’ conception!  Many children have been conceived since the foundation of the world, but none quite like this. From the beginning of the book, Luke wants us to know that Jesus is no…
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Acts 28

Read: Acts 28 The concept of God’s providence is yet again on display in the final chapter of Acts. Paul should have died multiple times in the previous chapter; then when he made it to the island a snake (likely poisonous) bit him and he still survived!  The island natives had a rational explanation for…
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Acts 27

Read: Acts 27 In this chapter we see quite the voyage.  Paul was on his way to Rome to face trial before Caesar.  The progress of the journey was overall pretty slow, and eventually the seasons changed so that the weather was no longer ideal for sailing.  Paul warned the centurion that he foresees disaster…
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Acts 26

Read: Acts 26 One of the most powerful tools for witnessing to people is simply our personal testimony of how we came to know Jesus.  Here Paul demonstrated that quite effectively. He started out by telling about his life before he met Jesus. Paul (or Saul at that time) was a strict Jew from the…
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Acts 25

Read: Acts 25 Paul was in prison for two whole years when he had done nothing wrong.  This is a perfect example of someone being demonized for having differing views.  Once Festus had succeeded Felix, he tried to deal with Paul’s situation by speaking to the chief priests and leaders of the Jews.  They again…
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Acts 24

Read: Acts 24 Paul was sent to the Roman governor Felix because of the Jews who were trying to kill him (Acts 23).  Five days after Paul arrived there, the high priest Ananias went to see Felix along with some of the Jewish elders and a lawyer in order to make their case against Paul…
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Acts 23

Read: Acts 23 Persecution is something most people in the west have never really experienced to the extent that people in some parts of the world do.  Maybe we are afraid someone may make fun of us for our beliefs or there might be atheists or political leaders who ridicule us because of our views,…
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