Tag: scripture

Luke Devotion

Luke 14

Read: Luke 14 Luke 14 has a lot to say to us about humility.  In our society, humility does not seem to benefit us much.  In fact, the idea of humility is completely counter cultural to the way our society works.  When you write a resume, you are trying to say you are the best…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 13

Read: Luke 13 The theme of Luke 13 is repentance, or maybe more specifically a lack of repentance.  It starts out in verses 3 and 5 with the same phrase. Jesus says, “No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all perish as well.”  Jesus came to fulfill and continue the ministry of…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 12

Read: Luke 12 In verses 4-7 we see that we are supposed to “Fear God,” but not be afraid… That seems pretty counter intuitive.  How can we fear someone and not be afraid at the same time? I actually think there is a certain beauty in this contradiction that makes an interesting point about God’s…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 11

Read: Luke 11 Luke 11 contains some of the harshest words that Jesus spoke recorded in scripture.  The woes to the Pharisees and experts in the law are incredibly strong. He called the Pharisees “fools” multiple times and criticized them for their love of approval and power.  Jesus then criticized the experts in the law…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 10

Read: Luke 10 Starting in verse 25, we read about a man who asked Jesus what he needed to do in order to inherit eternal life.  Jesus answered with a question, which was pretty typical for him. He asked the man, “what is written in the law?”  The man responded, “Love the Lord your God…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 9

Read:  Luke 9 So far in Luke, everyone has asked the question, “Who is this?”  Jesus was doing things that no one had ever seen since the foundation of the world.  He continued to do miracles by feeding five thousand men plus women and children with five loaves of bread and two fish.  He also…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 8

Read:  Luke 8 Yesterday we read about how Jesus raised a widow’s son to life and forgave a woman’s sins and the people said, “God has visited his people.”  Today we will see more spectacular things as Jesus controls the wind and waves, demonstrates authority over demons, and again heals and raises the dead.  To…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 7

Read: Luke 7 As you read Luke 7, try to put yourself in the story as you hear about Jesus raising the widow’s son to life and forgiving the sinful woman.  Jesus had not yet been crucified and they did not have the New Testament and information about Jesus that we do. They knew he…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 6

Read: Luke 6 Luke 6 is so full of good content, I could probably write ten devotions on this day.  But instead of doing that, I’m going to focus on verses 27-36. In three little words, Jesus flipped the world upside down.  “Love your enemies” is one of Jesus’ most difficult teachings. No one naturally…
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Luke Devotion

Luke 5

Read: Luke 5 At the beginning of Luke 5, Jesus recruited his first disciples.  Out of the three accounts of this event (see Matthew 4:18-22 and Mark 1:16-20), this one is the most detailed.  The other two give a brief summary that seems like Jesus just came up to some random guys and said, “Follow…
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