Tag: success

What Will Be Different About This Year?

Happy New Year! Maybe you are the kind of person who likes to set New Year’s resolutions. This year you want to read more, give more, go to church more, or be a better friend, spouse, or parent. Or maybe you want to be more successful with your job or get into better physical shape.…
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Are You Wasting Your Life With Frivolous Things?

According to Deutsche Bank Research, middle income American families spend about 50% of their income on luxuries or non-necessities.  The wealthiest families spend about 65% of their income on luxuries, and even low income families spend about 40% of their income on luxuries.  That is spending money that they do have, but 46% of Americans…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) Why Do I Never Have Time To Get Everything Done?

Steve Jobs said, “It’s only by saying ‘no’ that you can concentrate on the things that are really important.” This is a man that by all worldly standards was incredibly successful. He knew that it was important to commit oneself to quality over quantity. Unfortunately we live in a high paced society that encourages the…
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Glory To God Or To Self?

Last Sunday approximately 103.4 million people watched the Super Bowl and were surprised by an underdog upset. Some people watched because they love football, some were fans of one of the two teams, and others just like the commercials or Justin Timberlake. Whatever the case, these football players had a huge platform; all eyes were…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?

American radio and television writer Andrew Rooney said, “Death is a distant rumor to the young.”  There is certainly some wisdom in this saying.  When I was young(er) I never really thought much about death… but the reality is that of the few things that are absolutely certain in this life, death is one of…
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