Tag: worry


Where Do You Find Hope When Things Go Wrong?

On Tuesday evening I went to bed with a stomach ache hoping I would feel better in the morning.  Instead, I woke up at about 1:00am and the pain was much worse.  It had also spread from above my belly button to the lower right side of my abdomen.  I’m no doctor, but I know…
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What Are Some Things That You Fear?

When you read the title of this post, you will probably think about things like spiders, snakes, heights, and so on.  Clearly there are legitimate reasons to be afraid of some of those things, but I’m talking about the fears that you have that subconsciously guide the way you live… What I am getting at…
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(Wisdom Wednesday) You Mean… I’m Eventually Going To Die?

American radio and television writer Andrew Rooney said, “Death is a distant rumor to the young.”  There is certainly some wisdom in this saying.  When I was young(er) I never really thought much about death… but the reality is that of the few things that are absolutely certain in this life, death is one of…
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